A Podcast for Fabulous People who Want to Live a Fabulous Life!


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With a focus on how to live a better life peppered with some fun story-telling, a former opera singer, current voice teacher and generally fabulous woman of a certain age, Regina Zona has a lot to say! On her own life-long journey to better herself armed with a vivacious personality and healthy addition to self-help books, Regina offers practical advice that everyone can relate to. Each week, she will “confess” something and tell a story about how that confession has applied to her life. Then she will share “what she knows for sure,” sharing what she learned from that event and offering some advice on the subject. Oh, and of course there is a good motivational quote at the end!

Check Out the Latest Episodes

Episode 012 – I Have Been Complicit

Episode 012 – I Have Been Complicit

We are in moment. We are in a movement. In this era of #MeToo, we are all facing our own experiences with scrutiny and Regina has realized that in not reporting misconduct that she witnessed first hand, she has been complicit. This is her story.  ...

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Episode 010 – I am a Failed YouTube Star

Episode 010 – I am a Failed YouTube Star

In order to try to gain a following for a project she was working on, Regina did what the kids were doing and created a web series. It didn't go as well as she had hoped it would. The Story - 0:24 When I was trying to restart my singing...

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Episode 008 – I’m Writing a Show!

Episode 008 – I’m Writing a Show!

In an attempt to create a performance opportunity for herself, Regina has been inspired to write a one-woman show. But the process revealed that what she thought was most interesting about her life was not actually what people were drawn to. In this...

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True Confessions of a Still Fabulous Diva
True Confessions of a Still Fabulous Diva
Regina Zona

A podcast for fabulous people who want to live a fabulous life!


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